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tAtB tCtD tEtF tGtH tItJ tKtL tMtN tOtP tQtR tStT tUtV tWtX tYtZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
AMAR toothbrush 21
AMAR toothbrush SUPER 21
AMIGO plus +toothbrush 3
CHOICE CLASSIC toothbrush 3
PERSONAL toothbrush 21
PERSONAL FLEXI toothbrush 21
toothbrushes 21
DR. WHITE toothbrushes 21
M toothed wheel & bricks 19
M.P. +oval & toothed line 7
TTC +toothed wheel 7
ucm RESITA +toothed wheel 12
KALP DHENU toothmaster +ova 5
toothpaste FRESH UP +brush 3
AMPM toothpaste 3
ANADENT toothpaste 3
ANCHOR toothpaste 3
AUROMERE herbal toothpaste 3
BBI ESSEL GEL toothpaste 3
BUBBLE GUM toothpaste 3
CALLIN toothpaste +stars 3
CHOICE neem toothpaste 3
DABUR RED toothpaste +famil 3
DABUR RED GEL toothpaste 3
DABUR SUPER SALT toothpaste 3
DABUR herbal toothpaste 3
DABUR herbal gel toothpaste 3
DAY TO DAY toothpaste +oval 3
DENTAX fluoride toothpaste 3
toothpaste 3
DXL HABIT toothpaste +tooth 3
ESSAL GEL toothpaste 3
EVEREST toothpaste 3
FD toothpaste 3, 21
HARMONY toothpaste 3
HERBAL toothpaste +flowers 3
HIPOLIN toothpaste 3
HUMA floride toothpaste 3
NANODENT toothpaste 5
NEEM ACTIVE toothpaste 3
NOSBRITE toothpaste 3
ORALOZ toothpaste gel 3
PAMIR fresh mint toothpaste 3
SMILE toothpaste +face 3
SPEARMINT toothpaste +leave 3
SPEARMINT toothpaste +plant 3
SUMEI MINT toothpaste 3
TRIDA toothpaste +drop 3
TRIGUARD toothpaste +arcs 5
bubblegum toothpaste 3
colgate gel toothpaste 3
jadi-booti toothpaste 3
the new ANGOLA toothpaste 3
toothbrush & toothpaste 3
toothpowder 3
toothpowder 3
toothpowder 3
MESWA toothpowder 3
RAJAH toothpowder 3, 5
SAHUL DENTOGUM toothpowder 5
AYUR tooti frutti BANANA 3
MACKINTOSH'S tooty frooties 30
NILON'S tooty fruity 29
NIRLONS tooty-fruity 29
top 1, 2, 3, 10
top & leaf 1
top 'N TOWN 30
top 'N' TOWN 31
top +circle & star 42
top +hexagon & cone 12
top +spiral & square 30
top +top 12
top 10 +circles & arcs 30
top 10 +stars 11, 21
top 8 @ 8 41
top BANANA 25
top C NET 10
top CINTER-48 1
top CITY +face 32
top CON 9
top CUTES 25
top DECK +globe 16
top DECK travel 16
top DENT +star 3
top FLIGHT hanky perfume 3
top FLITE 28, 32, 33
top FLITE +arc 25
top GEAR 37
top GEAR +oval 37
top GIRL 25
top GLOSS 3
top GLOSS in 30 minutes 3
top GOLD 29, 30
top GRESS 19
top GUN 5, 14
top GUN +man & woman 5
top HILLS 25
top INBLU 25
top INBLU +squares & oval 25
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